I didnt even buy this app. But I think its sick that people are making some corny jokes about people based on their hair color!! You think its their fault that theyre blonde?! This is major offensive to blonde people!
Awesome app! Hilarious jokes! Keep up the good stuff bro!! :)
Poo u I am blond and none of these are funny u stop or I sue. This is bullying blinds making fun of them u stop or I will really sue u in till u are nothing. If this is not gone by tomorrow I sue u intill you are nothing.? Got it so relate it or I SUE you TILL there is NOTHING LEFT of this
Really maddy you cant sue for that its what they think so what if there rude you dont have to look at them.
I think that the blonde jokes are FUNNY
i was wondering what it was than couldnt get egnugh
This app is rude and demeaning. But funny as h*ll.
Im getting the app right now! I heard alot of jokes and they are funny so I decided to buy an app of the jokes! PS::: They are mean... But funny you wouldnt actually say these to anyone.
Not all blondes are dumb you idiots
Good and funny jokes... But I think its kinda rude and offensive to blondies :/
Im a blonde and I think this is very mean to us. I am smarter than lots of people so I think this is wrong. I know lots of brunets and red heads and I know lots more than them. Do red heads and people like that have jokes made about them on apps? And I know I probably spelt lots of things wrong but that doesnt mean I am dumb because I am really smart says lots of brunets and red heads and lots of other people, the couloir of your hair doesnt make you smart or dumb.
I am a natural blonde and I find these jokes PATHETIC. Seriously, 90% I find dont even make sense while, the rest are offensive. I am amused by blonde jokes any other time I hear them except from this app! "how do you make a blondes eyes twinkle? by shining a flashlight in her ears." thats pretty offensive and implies blondes have no brain! seriously, you are implying blondes are so stupid we have no brain? WE ARE JUST AS HUMAN!! do you even know the origin of blondes being dumb? its because girls dyed their hair bleach blonde and believed dumb and blonde was cute. now, because of that there is this pathetic app that has not one entertaining app! I like blonde jokes but these are just pathetic and offensive!
These jokes are super funny and hilarious and I love them.
This game is awesome, corny, and really funny. Im not saying that blondes are stupid, but if they take these jokes as offensive, they are being a little stupid.
Dont feel offended. you might be really smart. Its just a joke
Ok this is totally offensive ok cause Im blonde!!! STUPIDEST APP EVER AND TOTALLY OFFENSIVE!!!!
This was really offensive I am a blonde and a strait A student so the only confused person is the creator of this app
Even though Im a blonde I still laugh at these jokes.Anyways none of these jokes are true about me because I am a smart blonde.
I am not a blonde and even I find these terrible! There jokes sound like they just made them up randomly and most of them make no sense!!!